Thursday, September 30, 2010

Michael Moore's Thesis

A) What is Michael Moore's thesis in Bowling for Columbine?
I believe Michael Moore's thesis in Bowling for Columbine is that guns are too easily available, that they are more promoted than not, and they influence kids greatly.

B) How does he support this thesis?
I belive Michael Moore supports his thesis very well in his documentary. He interviews many people, and travels to various places where guns are a problem. 1) Guns too easily available: he visits a bank in Michigan where anyone who opens up an account they get a free rifle. 2)Guns are more promoted than not: interviews with the National Rifle Soceitys President. 3) They influence kids: interviews parents who work at weapon factorys.
Michael Moore proves his thesis, by filming a documentary that captures a very real issue. It is filled with tense interviews and ironic humour to keep the audience interested.

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